- Doggy Dictionary
To make sure we are all on the same page, our "Doggy Dictionary" is below!
Level 1 Cues
Come: touch your nose to my palm (requires moving)
Down: put your whole body on the floor (lay down)
Drop-it: let go of the object in your mouth
Kennel: go into a kennel
Leave-it: completely disengage with the object you are looking at
Muzzle: put your face into a muzzle
"Name" (your dog's official name): look at my face
Settle: return to a calm state
Sit: put your bottom on the ground
Wait: do not cross this clear designation (usually a doorway)
Yes: you did it right, you are about to receive a reward, and you are done!
Level 2 Cues:
Back: take one step back with all four paws
Good: continue doing exactly what you are doing
Off: place all four paws on the floor
Paws-up: put front paws up on an indicated object or wall
Stand: stand up with all four paws on the floor
Level 3 Cues:
Ball: put a ball in your mouth
Get-it: put this object in your mouth
Jump-on: place all four paws on this object