- What does your dog learn at Notre Dog Academy?
Level 1 Cues:
Come: touch your nose to my palm (requires moving)
Down: put your whole body on the floor (lay down)
Drop-it: let go of the object in your mouth
Kennel: go into a kennel
Leave-it: completely disengage with the object you are looking at (stationary)
Muzzle: put your face into a muzzle and allow it to be buckled
"Name" (your dog's official name): look at my face
Settle: return to a calm state
Sit: put your bottom on the ground
Wait: do not cross this clear designation (usually a doorway)
Yes: you did it right, you are about to receive a reward, and you are done!
Other level 1 behaviors without cues:
Attention: look at my face without being asked inside with no distractions
Deal with frustration: be able to calm yourself when on a tether without instruction
Handling: allow someone to examine you as a vet would (ears, paws, teeth, abdomen, tail, back)
Leash Skills: walk with a loose leash inside
Polite Greeting: put your bottom on the floor when a human approaches
Level 2 Cues:
All previous cues at a higher difficulty
Back: take one step back with all four paws
Good: continue doing exactly what you are doing
Leave-it: completely disengage with the object you are looking at (while walking)
Off: place all four paws on the floor
Paws-up: put front paws up on an indicated object or wall
Stand: stand up with all four paws on the floor
Other level 2 behaviors without cues:
All previous behaviors at a higher difficulty
Handling 2: open mouth, bend legs, standing restraint, lateral recumbency, venipuncture restraint, basic spinal exam
Nail trimmer desensitization: allow all four paws to be lifted and touched with the nail trimmer
Level 3 Cues:
All previous cues at a higher difficulty
Get-it: put this object in your mouth
Turn: turn your body around
Jump-on: place all four paws on this object
Mat: go to a mat, lay down, and stay there until released
Other level 3 behaviors without cues:
All previous behaviors at a higher difficulty
Handling 3: dorsal recumbency, jugular venipuncture restraint, lifting, brushing teeth